Litter training
Yes, you can litter train your rabbit! Rabbits tend to use one area to go to the bathroom, so litter box training is often as easy as putting a litter box in the area your rabbit chooses. Spayed and neutered rabbits tend to be easier to litter box train since they don’t feel the urge to mark their territory.
Litter training
There are many types of litter to choose from, but the wrong type of litter can be very dangerous for your rabbit. Make sure to research any type of litter you want to try to make sure it is safe. Never use clumping litter, cedar shavings, or pine shavings. Aspen is the only safe wood shaving for small animals. Pelleted pine litter, such as Feline Pine (non-clumping formula!) or Equine Pine, is okay to use and is a great choice for odor control and absorption.